Join us on April 17th for a day of networking, job opportunities, resource navigation, and career training at our first Second Chance/Felony Friendly Job Fair.
This is a walk-in event; however, we are excited to partner with the York County (PA) Bar Association/York County Bar Foundation and MidPenn Legal Services to offer an expungement and driver's license restoration clinic.
Anyone interested in exploring expungement or driver's license restoration services must preregister below.
We look forward to seeing everyone on April 17th!
Join us for the ROC’s Community Open House, where community members can explore the Reentry Opportunity Center and connect with our key providers.
This event highlights the importance of second chances in York County by showcasing the ROC, vital resources that support successful reentry, from peer support, mentorship, and case planning to career exploration and workforce development.
YCRC's progressive and innovative approach connects individuals in work release or upon release with transitional provider relationships before reentry. This proactive strategy will be on display for our community, showcasing how early support fosters successful reintegration and long-term stability.
Come learn how we’re working together to break down barriers, promote rehabilitation, and create pathways to brighter futures for individuals looking to rebuild their lives.